Wind is caused by the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the sun, variations in the earth’s surface, and rotation of the earth. Mountains, bodies of water, and vegetation all influence wind flow patterns. Wind turbines convert the energy in wind to electricity by rotating propeller-like blades around a rotor. The rotor turns the drive shaft, which turns an electric generator. Three key factors affect the amount of energy a turbine can harness from the wind: wind speed, air density, & swept area.
Wind Energy Basics
About us
Four Square Green Energy Pvt. Ltd. (FSGE) is a special purpose company formed to originate, develop, project manage, finance and commission, utility scale wind farm developments on high wind speed, complex terrain wind farm sites. Our Registered Office situated at Rajkot, Gujarat, India.
Building new wind farms means finding the right location
As Wind Developer,We have expert team in finding perfect area for new wind farms. Here are some of the things we consider when looking for a location:
- Adequate wind: As Developers typically, We review 1-3 years of meteorological data to measure wind speed and consistency at a potential location. This data is collected by meteorological towers built near the project site.
- Community support: The FSGE works hand-in-hand with communities to build new projects. We gain community support through outreach, engagement and transparency. We encourage public input and involvement early in the planning process.
- Land Team Partners: As current scenario of wind Industry Wind turbines are located on both Govt Revenue & Private land. So We have As developers work with Govt. Stake Holders & Willing landowners to Set out our Wind Turbines for our esteemed Customers.
- Wildlife and environmental studies: FSGE is proud of its legacy of care for the environment and wildlife. The wind industry works closely with federal and state authorities when selecting sites and developing projects. We Developer have carefully identify and mitigate any potential impacts on land and wildlife.
- Permits: The wind industry is carefully regulated. We as Developer teamalways secure proper permits from all levels of government, from local construction and road permits to federal water and species permits.
- Transmission: Access to adequate and available transmission capacity is essential. Wind developers can avoid costs by using existing transmission when possible and building new infrastructure as needed.
- A buyer for the wind power: : Developers secure a utility or other entity to purchase power generated by the wind project, even before building it.
- Financing: : In order to build and operate a wind farm, developers need an investor. These are typically large banks that carefully review the business plan, which helps ensure the project is a good investment.
- Decommissioning: : Wind turbines have long life cycles, lasting several decades. Typically, before a project is even built, the developer creates a plan for how it will be removed and the land returned to its owner once the project reaches the end of its useful life.
We must secure each of these elements to move a wind project from development, through construction, and into operation. However, these steps are necessary to ensure profitable projects, happy host communities, and good stewardship of the land.
Siting a wind farm varies from one location to another, but there are some important matters for owners to consider:
- Understand your wind resource
- Evaluate distance from existing transmission lines
- Determine benefits of and barriers to allowing your land to be developed
- Establish access to capital
- Identify reliable power purchaser or market
- Address siting and project feasibility considerations
- Understand wind energy’s economics
- Obtain zoning and permitting expertise
- Establish dialogue with turbine manufacturers and project developers
- Secure agreement to meet O&M needs
Services for Wind Farm Development
Wind power project or WPP involves development through own resources and manpower or by availing the technical services from consultant organisations:
- SITE IDENTIFICATION: The process starts with regional overviews and precision GIS mapping, through which the specific opportunities are determined at a feasible site. This also involves mapping of project boundaries, turbine micro-siting and optimisation.
- WIND RESOURCE ASSESSMENT: Accurate Wind Resource Assessment of a widely variable resource is the most critical feature for success of a WPP. Meso-Scale and then Micro-Scale Wind Power Density/Wind Speed Map is produced for the site location through input of accurate contour/terrain data. Ideal spot is selected to install Anemometry System. The recorded wind data is critically analyzed and formatted to represent wind characteristics.
- MICRO-SITING & ENERGY ESTIMATION: This constitutes the foundation of a Wind Power Project. Wind Resource data is formatted in terms of Speed and direction. The characteristic power of selected Wind Electric Generator (WEG) is formatted. Detailed Contour data at close interval is prepared indicating roughness and terrain features. WEG layout is optimised and Micro-siting Map is prepared using software and then estimated is energy generation.
- DETAILED PROJECT REPORT: Once the site, make and rating of WEG and the selling option are finalized, detailed survey and field study is conducted. Comprehensive layout design is prepared with optimization of generation along with detailed design for approach road and grid evacuation. Detailed costing and financial analysis is carried out to establish overall viability.
- PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Implementation and Management of Wind power project, WPP, calls for Multi-disciplinary activities related to Technical, Financial and Commercial aspects. Not only quality of works needs to be checked, it is equally important to ensure close co-ordination and monitoring for timely commissioning.
- MONITORING: Energy generation with respect to wind resource, frequency and type of machine and system failures needs to be critically monitored and analyzed to optimize generation. Income from WPP can be optimized only if break down and failure of WEG and evacuation system is avoided particularly during the limited high wind months.
- PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT: :For the existing Wind Power projects also there is often need to ensure its performance improvement, which goes down with time. Critical analysis of monitoring reports along with on-site observations and in depth study immensely help in performance improvement through reduction in break-down time and interval losses. Due to seasonal availability of wind resource, generation increasing in cubic proportion of wind speed and overall low Plant Load Factor, parameter setting and operational/control logic needs to be site specific.
- LENDER’S ENGINEERS: :To meet the need of expert engineers to serve a project especially for a definite term or contract, where the task may not be managed with the available resources, the clients are provided Lenders Engineer’s services as per the requirements assessed mutually with the client. This involves serving through deputing or appointing suitable personnel and thus meeting the need of the project at a given point of time of various technical types.
Strength / Why us
Four Square Green Energy Pvt. Ltd. is a focus on industry strong requirement that’s earned its unmatched scale and diversity. With unshakable ethical codes, the company has been committed to the industry, and its stakeholder. Constantly evolving with the age, FSGE has diversified to become a trusted institution to manage high-value critical industries.